Coagulation Services

Colorado Coagulation, a division of Esoterix and a member of the Labcorp Specialty Testing Group, has established itself as an internationally recognized leader in hemostasis testing. Colorado Coagulation is a designated coagulation laboratory with more than 40 years of experience offering distinctive services with a consultative focus. We are dedicated to maintaining leadership in coagulation testing through continuous scientific research and new assay development. Our extensive test menu and consultative approach provide clients with the resources they need to help predict, diagnose, and manage even the most unusual bleeding and clotting disorders.

Leaders in innovation

Over the past 40+ years, Labcorp’s laboratories and scientific staff have consistently developed and launched important new products designed to help physicians diagnose, treat, and monitor their patients.

  • Mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS-MS): Superior specificity and sensitivity for critical steroid assays
  • SHOX-DNA-Dx®: Genetic assay that detects mutations in the short stature homeobox gene
  • Salivary cortisol and testosterone: Monitors hormone levels through convenient saliva samples
  • Fractionated 25-hydroxy vitamin D: Differentiates between circulating D2 and D3
  • GlycoMark®: An assay reflective of postmeal glucose spikes
  • NMR LipoProfile®: Expanded lipoprotein subfractionation testing